11/27/23: I'm seeing a certain ideology going around the internet. Mainly by very late millenials and young gen z. This mentality that in the 90s the internet was better, and now it sucks. "I miss when ads wern't everywhere and companys didnt own the net!" hey, newsflash fucker, the internet was always like that. "I miss when everyone made their own homepages!" very few people in general had "homepages". Most people were general consumers, not producers. And those that WERE, had sties to promote their personal work, or to sell a product, not to act as a glorififed "about me" page. "but isnt that hypocritical of your site?" this site has a purpose, to host my doom wads. this journal and everything else is a byproduct. "I miss when the internet wasn't just 5 websites that were owned by corporations!" This claim is the most retarded. the only reason you claim theres only "a handful" of sites, is becuase you're too fucking lazy to realize that there are more niche and independant sites than ever. 3DT included. Nothing has changed since then. The internet is still pretty much exactly the same as it was in 98' so stop romanticing that era. It wasnt bad, infact I prefer it, but it wasn't this fuckin holy land you claim it was. Instead of complaining like little bitches, what we really need to be doing, and what fodcom is trying to do, is reclaim freedom across the web.

paraphrased in my own words from THIS VIDEO