10/23/23: Posturing. It's a practice made more widespread with the addition of anonymity to the internet. Say whatever you want, get in 0 trouble. This has its perks, but most of the time it festers and conjours the worst out of people. Granted, I am guilty of this, but id like to speak more crudley of my thoughts on this. Let me give an example. Say, you like a certain movie, you post about it, and someone comes along and says "hey, this movie fuckin sucks!" well, whatever, who cares, its the internet. But when this hatred turns into shaming, it gets retarded. Lets give another exmaple, with this new "shaming" modification. "hey! I enjoy (popular thing)" then, someone comes along and goes "oh dude! what a faggot you must be! i cant belive you buy into that mainstream garbage goyslop! not me though! Im WAY better than all you dickwads! I actually HAVE taste and enjoy NICHE things." see how fucking stupid that makes you sound? like yeah, I prefer to seek out niche things and enjoy lesser known things rather than mainstream things, but I dont go parading around like i'm better than you for my unknown interest! If you like mainstream shit thats fine! all of this to say, if I wanna be edgy, i'm gonna be edgy. Dont act like you're some fuckin "god" for putting others down. you're not on a higher level, looking down on everyone else. you're a stupid faggot who thinks they're SOOO much better than everyone else. they'll look at someone like me and think: "haha! what an edgleord! must be some edgy loser teenager going through a phase! haha! im much superior than you!" FUCK OFF!!!!!